EOC Overview

Executive Officers Council
Contact: Caroline Fabacher
[email protected]
Senior Director, HBA Resources & Engagement
(202) 266-8593

Organizational Structure


The voting members of the EOC are the chief paid executives of the local and state Associations and chief paid executives of chapters of local and state Associations affiliated with NAHB that meet certain specific criteria.

Non-voting members are volunteers serving as administrators of state or local Associations executive officers of chapters of local chartered Associations, paid staff members of state and local Associations, and the chief paid executives of other Associations who are members of the International Housing Association.

Board of Directors

The EOC is governed by a Board of Directors composed of the president, vice-president, secretary, immediate past president, five at-large directors, ten regional directors from NAHB Regions A-E, three presidential appointments, two vice-presidential appointments, one secretary/treasurer appointment, a representative from the Past Presidents’ Committee and the EOC Director (ex-officio, non-voting). The five EOC at-large directors, and regional directors, are elected by the general membership during the annual Association Management Conference (AMC).

The EOC holds its annual meeting at the AMC. Regular meetings are held in conjunction with the NAHB International Builders’ Show and Spring and Fall Leadership Meetings. Special meetings may be called by the president or the Board of Directors.

View the 2025 Board of Directors

Committees and Task Forces

The EOC has the following Committees:

  • Nominating
  • Past Presidents
  • Professional Development/Education
  • Workforce Development Committee

Committee members are generally appointed by the EOC President, Vice President, and Secretary. Additionally, Committee Chairs are allowed at least two appointments of their choice. Attendance and participation in most EOC committees is open to all EOs. If you are interested in becoming a Committee Chair, or serving on a committee, communicate in writing to the EOC President or contact EOC staff for more information (x8595).