A meeting session in a large auditorium


NAHB meetings can help you grow professionally, allow you to make an impact on industry issues and provide valuable networking opportunities.

Spring Leadership and Legislative Conference

U.S. capitol building and flowers in springtime
The annual Spring Leadership Meeting brings together NAHB's Leadership Council, Board of Directors, committee and council members, and HBA executive officers to make decisions and provide guidance on advocacy, membership and the future of the association. This year’s meeting will take place June 10-14, in Washington, D.C.

Upcoming Events

Washington, DC NAHB Orientation
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NAHB Leadership Council and Board of Directors Meetings

NAHB Leadership Meetings

The NAHB Leadership Council and Board of Directors meet three times during the year.

US Capitol building

Legislative Conference

NAHB members meet with their Members of Congress during Spring Leadership to discuss home building industry issues. 
Virtual Townhall Meetings

NAHB Virtual Townhall Meetings

Members and HBA leaders can provide feedback to NAHB leadership on emerging issues.
Leadership Training

Association Management Conference

The professional development conference for HBA Executive Officers/CEOs and staff.

NAHB Orientation for Executive Officers

NAHB Orientation

Two-day program to help EOs, association staff and HBA leaders become familiar with NAHB’s programs and services.

Register for the 2020 NAHB International Builders’ Show

International Builders’ Show

The home building industry’s premier event, featuring the solutions to grow your business.

Multifamily Leadership Board Meeting

Multifamily Leadership Board

Invitation-only group of leading multifamily housing executives and firms driving the development of U.S. multifamily housing.