BUILD-PAC Champions

Contacts: Meredith Wimbrow
Director, BUILD-PAC
(202) 266-8114

Grace Mercer
Manager, BUILD-PAC
(202) 266-8248

The BUILD-PAC Champions program is designed to recognize, support and thank our most successful fundraisers. Are you a BUILD-PAC advocate at the state and local level? Do you recruit new BUILD-PAC members? If so, you are a future BUILD-PAC Champion!

How to Become a Champion

  • Recruit new donors.
  • Raise a total of $10,000 in new money in 2023 (per calendar year).
  • Make sure that all the donors you recruit indicate that you recruited them, if we don’t know we can’t give you the credit!
  • All aspiring BUILD-PAC Champions MUST register for the Champions program. For BUILD-PAC staff to properly track contributions you've raised, register for the program below AND make sure that all donors list your name in the "Recruited by" section located at the bottom of the contribution form.

Become a BUILD-PAC Champion


What Benefits Come with Being a BUILD-PAC Champion?

  • Exclusive access to the Capitol Club hospitality suite during the International Builders’ Show.
  • Invitation to the Capitol Club dinner at the International Builders’ Show to be recognized and thanked.
  • Name recognition at NAHB’s annual board meetings.

What is Considered New Money for BUILD-PAC?

  • NAHB members who have never contributed to BUILD-PAC.
  • NAHB members who did not contribute the previous year.
  • NAHB members who upgrade their contribution amount.