Online Green Courses and Modules

Sustainability and Green Building
Contact: Paul Tingler
[email protected]
Director, Instructional Design & E-Learning
(202) 266-8162

High Performance Building Online Courses

Learn how to implement cost-effective green building techniques and boost your production efficiency by taking the online courses, Basics of High Performance Building and Advanced High Performance Building: Project Management.

Both courses reference the newly revised ICC/ASHRAE 700-2020 National Green Building Standard® (NGBS). Earn continuing education credit towards a NAHB designation or get AIA continuing education credit.

To learn more about NAHB Continuing Education Credit and AIA credit, please click on each individual course link below for more details.

These courses are registered with AIA CES for continuing professional education.

The National Association of Home Builders is a Registered Provider with The American Institute of Architects Continuing Education Systems. Credit(s) earned on completion of this course will be reported to AIA CES for AIA members. Certificates of Completion for both AIA members and non-AIA members are available upon request. 

Basics of High Performance Building With a focus on flexibility, building science basics and cost-effective solutions, the course provides tools for a successful green project and includes a review of the newly revised ICC 700-2020 National Green Building Standard®.
Advanced High Performance Building: Project Management Combining Project Management Institute concepts with the “whole-house” approach to building, this six-hour full course identifies important systems, documents and communication strategies. It is highly recommended that the High-Performance Building for Building Professionals be taken prior to this, or that an attendee has a basic understanding of green certification programs and how they work.
