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Stair Geometry Standards

Construction and Codes

Resolved that NAHB continue to support stair geometry provisions limiting maximum riser height to 8¼ inches and minimum tread depth to 9 inches for residential dwellings;

Further resolved that NAHB continue to recommend that all state and local governments amend the stair geometry requirements for residential dwellings to be consistent with NAHB policy and/or retain the stair geometry from their legacy codes when adopting a new edition of a national model building code;

Further resolved that NAHB continue to assist state and local affiliated home builders associations with efforts to persuade state and local code authorities to amend the stair geometry requirements for residential dwellings to be consistent with NAHB policy;

and Further resolved that NAHB continue to actively monitor and seek out credible research initiatives to quantify the impact on stair safety and housing affordability of proposed changes to stair geometry requirements compared to those supported by NAHB policy, and pursue code changes consistent with those findings.

Resolution originally adopted: 2008.5, Resolution No. 2

Committee with primary jurisdiction:
  • Construction, Codes & Standards Committee
Full Resolution The full text of this resolution is available for download