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DOE Participation in Energy Codes and Standards Development

Energy and Green Building

Resolved that the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) urge Congress to amend all relevant federal energy policy to require the Department of Energy to:

  1. Determine whether the current and future editions of national model energy conservation codes and standards referenced in federal energy policy are economically justified and technically feasible based on available appliances/equipment, technologies, materials, and construction practices to improve energy efficiency as compared to prior editions;
  2. Issue a report to Congress providing a detailed explanation of the results and basis for all such determinations for current and future editions of energy conservation codes and standards;
  3. Establish and publish in the Federal Register its criteria and methodology for evaluating the economic justification and technical feasibility of changes to the energy efficiency provisions of national model codes and standards, including the formulas for calculating energy savings and the anticipated payback periods to residential and commercial building owners;
  4. Prior to supporting or opposing any proposed change or amendment to a national model energy conservation code or standard, utilize the established criteria and methodology to evaluate the economic impact, technical feasibility, and energy savings that would result;
  5. Issue an annual report to Congress describing in detail its activities and use of federal funds to participate in national model energy codes and standards development, to promote the adoption by state and local jurisdictions of national model energy codes and standards – including incentive funding made available to states, and to hire or otherwise fund consultants or other advocates to push for the adoption and enforcement of national model energy codes and standards within the States;
  6. Abandon its efforts through the national model code and standards development process to establish national energy efficiency targets for residential and commercial buildings that are not technically feasible and economically justified.

Resolution originally adopted: 2011.5, Resolution No. 2

Committees with primary jurisdiction:
  • Construction, Codes & Standards Committee
Full Resolution The full text of this resolution is available for download