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NAHB Support for Housing and Climate

Energy and Green Building

Resolved that NAHB urge the federal and state governments to:

  1. Quantify the cost implications of each element of any code changes needed to reach “Net Zero” and/or “Net Zero Ready” for all housing types;
  2. Assess the aggregate impact of all Net Zero and/or Net Zero Ready code changes on housing affordability and housing production;
  3. Implement cost-mitigative programs simultaneously with any Net Zero and/or Net Zero Ready code changes that will, at a minimum, off-set the aggregate increased costs of construction; and
  4. Forego adoption of any Net Zero and/or Net Zero Ready code changes that are not accompanied by cost-mitigative programs that offset the increased costs to housing construction.

Further resolved that NAHB urge federal, state and local governments and policymakers as well as utility services, finance, insurance, appraisal and related real estate industries to aid in minimizing the cost impact of Net Zero requirements on all housing types by:

  1. Directing that all Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae, and all other federally-backed and state-backed mortgages be underwritten to account for consumer energy utility savings resulting from Net Zero and Net Zero Ready increased code requirements, and include a corresponding increase in consumer “buying power” by fully accounting for such energy utility savings;
  2. Establishing market driven initiatives to facilitate the transition to Net Zero and Net Zero Ready new and remodeled housing;
  3. Creating grant and low interest loan programs, tax rebates, tax credits rebates or other funding mechanisms to offset any cost increases to assist new home buyers and existing homeowners in securing affordable housing or transitioning existing homes to meet higher energy standards; and
  4. Creating grants, tax rebates, and other incentives to help home builders, remodelers and developers offset cost increases and encourage the construction of Net Zero and/or Net Zero Ready homes.

Resolution originally adopted: 2022.2, Resolution No. 1

Committee of jurisdiction: Environmental Issues

Full Resolution The full text of this resolution is available for download.