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Water Conservation

Energy and Green Building

Resolved that the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) support approaches and initiatives that encourage water conservation and efficiency in new and existing structures and properties as long as those programs:

  1. Are voluntary, not cost-prohibitive and recognize consumer preferences;
  2. Are sufficiently flexible and include prescriptive options that do not require calculations or design professionals to apply, and include guidelines that can be applied independent of a specific home design;
  3. Include low-cost options;
  4. Where applicable, recognize multiple rainwater, greywater and landscaping options; and allow water savings at alternative location(s) to be credited to new homes; and
  5. Recognize that the degree of concern with water supplies and decisions, varies widely across regions and localities.

Further resolved that NAHB support research on and technical advances in water efficiency and conservation;

Further resolved that NAHB support incentives to facilitate the early adoption of water saving products and practices that can lead to a reduction in construction fees, conservation tax credit programs, and rebates on efficient fixtures and appliances;

Further resolved that NAHB encourage the development and voluntary use of water calculation tools and formulas that account for total water consumption both within the structure(s) and the overall property and include both delivered potable water (via utility and/or private well) and water from precipitation; and

Further resolved that NAHB promote the water efficiency practices in the NGBS as a reference guide for those entities seeking to establish water efficiency programs, and in jurisdictions where water allocations may be limited or restricted on new homes or residential developments, NAHB encourages the development of policies based on Appendix D: Water Rating Index of the ICC 700-2020 National Green Building Standard® (as may be amended, revised or clarified periodically), as a means to predict usage and as a basis for establishing guidelines or rules for allocation of water for housing.

Resolution originally adopted: 2021.1, Resolution No. 2

Committee of jurisdiction:

  • Environmental Issues Committee
Full Resolution The full text of this resolution is available for download.