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Establishing Housing as a National Priority

General Government and Economic Policy

Resolved NAHB reaffirm its position that a national housing policy should be a top priority and that the federal government must bear its fair share of funding aimed at the following objectives if we are to meet the housing needs facing the United States in the decade ahead:

  1. Maintain and increase homeownership opportunities for both moderate-income and lower-income households;
  2. Reduce the costs of housing by eliminating restraints imposed by regulation, excessive growth restrictions and a general failure in recent decades to provide adequate infrastructure to support continued development of affordable housing;
  3. Increase the supply of affordable rental housing for low- and moderate-income families;
  4. Preserve and enhance the exiting stock of federally assisted rental housing, while honoring previous commitments to private owners of this housing; and
  5. Create rental programs targeted to the special needs of the elderly, the handicapped, those in rural areas and the ever increasing number of homeless and near homeless.
Further resolved that NAHB urge both national political parties, convention delegates and Members of Congress to support strong housing planks within the Democratic and Republican Party platforms.

Resolution originally adopted:1988.5, Resolution No. 25

Committee with primary jurisdiction:

  • Federal Government Affairs Committee
Full Resolution The full text of this resolution is available for download