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Retention of Tax Incentives for Housing


Resolved that the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) reaffirm that the tax code should include incentives to make the American dream of homeownership a reality for a substantially greater group of Americans across the entire income spectrum and also promote affordable apartment homes, including most critically:

  1. A homeownership tax incentive that reflects the costs of homeownership, such as mortgage interest and local property taxes;
  2. Tax incentives for remodeling, including energy efficiency tax credits;
  3. The tax exemption for interest on mortgage revenue bonds for owner-occupied housing and exempt facility bonds for low-income renter-occupied housing;
  4. The exclusion of capital gains on the sale of a principal residence;
  5. The low-income housing tax credit, along with additional resources to meet the affordability crisis;
  6. Appropriate cost-recovery periods for rental housing;
  7. The completed contract rules.
Further resolved that NAHB strongly urge Congress to oppose any tax revisions that do not take into account the special importance of housing to the economy and the stability of neighborhoods and communities.

Resolution originally adopted: 2017.10, Resolution No. 1

Committees with primary jurisdiction:
  • Federal Government Affairs Committee
Full Resolution The full text of this resolution is available for download