Tax Incentives to Convert Commercial Real Estate to Residential Use


Resolved that the National Association of Home Builders urge Congress to enact a federal tax incentive to encourage the repurposing of unused and underutilized commercial real estate to residential housing;

Be it further resolved that any federal tax incentive should allow for the conversion of a broad range of commercial building types to residential housing, including office buildings, schools, hospitals, hotels, warehouses, and other suitable building types;

Be it further resolved that any federal tax incentive should be able to be used in conjunction with other relevant tax incentives, such as the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit and the Rehabilitation Credit (i.e. historic tax credit), and it should cover a wide range of potential development costs, including partial demolition of existing structures.

Resolution originally adopted: 2023.6 No. 1 Tax Incentives to Convert Commercial Real Estate to Residential Use

Committee with primary jurisdiction: Federal Government Affairs

Full Resolution The full text of this resolution is available for download.