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ICYMI: New Coronavirus Resources to Help Your Business

Disaster Response

In case you’ve missed any of our recent coverage, the resource hub and this blog are continuously updated with a wide range of resources pertaining to COVID-19 and its impact on the economy and our members' businesses. Here are a few highlights of this week’s updates.

Safety Is Our Top Priority

NAHB takes safety seriously. On Thursday, April 16, we urged members, and all residential construction companies, to halt work for at least 10 minutes for a COVID-19 Job Site Safety Stand Down in order to educate workers on what they should do to keep themselves safe from coronavirus and to help “flatten the curve” for everyone.

If you were not able to hold a safety stand down this week, it's not too late. You can schedule a stand down anytime. Our detailed blueprints — in English and Spanish— will help builders conduct their safety stand downs, and include guidance on sharing the resources digitally.

Other job site safety information resources, including posters, are also available in English and Spanish.

Watch Webinar Replays

NAHB’s webinar series covers a variety of topics to help your business during this challenging time, and the recordings and slides are now available. Sessions include information on small business loans, tax relief provisions, job site safety, and cash management during the pandemic.

Access the recordings now (member log-in required). Members can also access recordings of virtual town hall meetings with members and HBAs.

Reaching Out to Your Customers

NAHB has produced a new video on the importance of housing to our communities and the economy, which is available for members and for HBAs to share or customize for their own websites. The Support Your Customers section of the website includes updated resources to share about the economic stimulus payments for individuals, and mortgage and rent assistance available for those impacted by the health crisis.

To stay updated on all of our resources, follow our social media coverage on Facebook and Twitter, and subscribe to the NAHBNow blog to get alerts when new posts are added.

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