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Become a 2021 International Builders' Show Insider


The IBS Ambassador Program is an exclusive opportunity for NAHB members to get the behind-the-scenes scoop of the NAHB International Builders’ Show® (IBS). Ambassadors get the latest show updates, and volunteer to share their expertise to help home builders association (HBA) members learn the benefits of attending our industry's most anticipated annual event.

"I really enjoy being a direct link between the show and my HBA, as well as being an asset for questions, problems, etc., for my local members," shared Brandon Salisbury of the Wichita Area Builders Association, a five-time IBS ambassador. "Helping to promote the show and increase attendance was also a plus."

This brand ambassador role reinforces the relationship between NAHB and local HBAs, which can prove to be a crucial bridge for supporting member needs and preparing local IBS experts to answer questions and relay member feedback to NAHB at the national level.

Designers, builders, remodelers, architects and other key decision-makers attend IBS to see the latest products in living color, and discover new, innovative techniques and best practices. From providing their best tips for navigating the show to sharing education highlights and everything in between, IBS ambassadors are a vital resource for attendees looking to maximize their show experience.

"I like having as much show information as early as possible to assist people in making that decision to attend IBS," shared Linda Fake of the Home Builders & Remodelers Association of the Mohawk Valler, a four-time IBS ambassador. "I also like being able to hear information and questions from other ambassadors during our monthly calls. Concerns or questions that my members have can be easily addressed as well."

The perfect IBS ambassador is:

  • An NAHB member in good standing
  • A Builders' Show veteran
  • An IBS enthusiast who enjoys sharing personal experiences and helping others

You'll also be able to learn from and connect with more than 70 ambassadors from HBAs across the country, some of whom have been IBS ambassadors for more than 10 years.

Get ready to become a Builders' Show insider and join our IBS ambassador team today! Sign up now.

IBS 2021 will take place in Orlando Feb. 9-11. Registration opens Sept. 1.

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