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NAHB Seeks Members to Participate in the Building Code Development Process

Codes and Standards

Members of the NAHB Construction Codes & Standards Committee (CC&S) are seeking members interested in participating in the building code development process through the new CC&S Emerging Leaders Program.

Emerging Leaders will be involved with the CC&S committee and subcommittees and will participate in the building code development process.

Building codes and standards shape the way homes are built in the United States. NAHB currently has a strong voice in the development of these codes and it is important that we stay engaged in the process for years to come.

With the International Code Council set to begin development of the 2024 I-Codes on April 11, 2021, during the Committee Action Hearings, members of the NAHB CC&S Committee are preparing to meet to discuss the proposed building code changes that will affect the housing industry.

Composed of long-standing members and members who have recently joined, members of  CC&S participate in Proposal Oversight Groups (POG) to establish NAHB positions on proposals affecting issues such as housing affordability, energy efficiency, plumbing/mechanical, resilience, and many more that influence the next set of I-Codes.

Each member selected for the Emerging Leaders Program will be paired with a mentor for guidance and support.

If you’re interested becoming involved in the development of building codes that affect and shape the home building industry, learn more about program details, participation opportunities, CC&S resources, and apply on the Emerging Leaders Program page on

The deadline to apply is March 3, 2021.

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