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NAHB Mourns Longtime Member Jerry Kosmensky


Gerald “Jerry” Kosmensky, a longtime and dedicated member from Southgate, Mich., passed away at the age of 92. He was very active in NAHB at all levels for more than 50 years.

Kosmensky founded Gerald Building Company in Southgate in 1959, building single-family homes as well as multifamily units and several commercial and office buildings. He joined the HBA of Southeastern Michigan in 1964 and continually made innumerable contributions to the local, state and national associations since then.

Kosmensky received numerous local awards, including induction into the HBA Hall of Fame in 1993. Komensky had served on the HBA’s Board of Directors since 1970 and served as president in 1975. He was HBA of Michigan president in 1982.

At NAHB, Kosmensky chaired five different committees over the years, was a charter member of BUILD-PAC’s Gold Key Club, a member of the Capitol Club and a trustee of the National Housing Endowment. In 2017, he was recognized with NAHB’s Exemplary Service to Home Building Award, which recognizes individuals for outstanding and commendable accomplishments to the housing industry.

“Jerry was a well-respected member of the HBA of Southeastern Michigan. More importantly, he was a mentor, friend and a voice of reason for many, from the HBA Board room to any HBA or NAHB event. Personally, I will miss Jerry’s friendship, wit and passion for the HBA, the residential building industry and his genuine desire for the success of all of our members. He will truly be missed,” said HBA of Southeastern Michigan CEO Michael Stoskopf.

He is survived by his wife, Gail Kosmensky, a past chair of the HBA’s Professional Women in Building Council; daughter Lisa (Jeffrey) Lind; granddaughter Melissa (Jordan) Hackett; and his extensive network of business associates and friends.

The family is planning a memorial service this summer.

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