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Call for NAHB Members to Represent Builders on New ICC Energy Code Committees

Codes and Standards

The International Code Council recently made a major change to how the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) will be developed. NAHB members who apply will have the opportunity to represent the construction industry on the new committees that will drive this code’s development.

Previously, the final decision for what goes into the energy code was decided by government officials in a final vote. The process will now shift instead to an American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standards process. The IECC will now be determined by two new committees that steer the development process: A Residential Energy Code Consensus Committee and a Commercial Energy Code Consensus Committee (which also includes mid- and high-rise residential).

ICC said in its announcement that the goal is to seat approximately 30 members on each committee who represent a diverse array of experience in building types and energy efficiency strategies, as well as racial, gender and socio-economic backgrounds.

Committee members can represent nine different interest groups: manufacturers, builders, standards promulgators/testing laboratories, users, utilities, consumers, public segments, government regulators, and insurance.

NAHB is encouraging members to apply for positions on the committees. It is important for builders to participate on these committees so that the perspectives of those who will use the code are included when determining the final requirements and that energy code requirements are applied in a manner that is affordable to home buyers and owners.

To apply for either the residential or commercial committee please go the ICC application page. Applications are due before April 23, 2021.

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