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Protect Your Business with New Podcast About Construction Defect Lawsuits


Every home builder in America knows about the dangers of construction defect lawsuits, legal actions brought by home owners to remedy an issue in a new home.

While many of the suits are filed at the behest of insurance companies and plaintiffs’ attorneys, the actions can cause bad blood between home builders and their customers.

To help home builders navigate the tricky world of construction defect suits, NAHB member Treacy Duerfeldt recorded a podcast with eight episodes focusing on different issues and topics related to construction defect suits.

Duerfeldt is a member of the NAHB Construction Liability, Risk Management and Building Materials Committee and owns a business that works with builders on insurance and risk mitigation, so he knows his way around litigation issues. Teaming up with John Bordonaro, a consultant focused on moisture issues in new homes, Duerfeldt explores different topics related to construction defect suits.

Topics include proper home design, installation of building components, identifying construction defect states, how to avoid construction defect lawsuits and much more.

Duerfeldt and Bordonaro’ s overarching advice to avoid costly litigation is to focus on customer service and to earnestly work with home owners on issues that arise. Get more detail in the podcast episodes on NAHB's YouTube channel.

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