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NAHB Fund Helps HBAs Reduce Barriers to Housing Affordability

Contact: Karl Eckhart
[email protected]
VP, State & Local Government Affairs
(202) 266-8319

At the 2023 Spring Leadership Meeting, NAHB’s State and Local Government Affairs Committee awarded seven HBAs with financial assistance through the State and Local Issues Fund (SLIF), totaling $105,000 to help with advocacy efforts on housing affordability issues.

Fund recipients include the BIA of Washington, Builders and Remodelers Association of Delaware, Vermont Builders and Remodelers Association, Florida HBA, Oregon HBA, Las Cruces (N.M.) Home Builders Association and Home Builders and Remodelers Metro East Association (Maryville, Ill.).

Expanding Campaign School for Pro-Business, Pro-Housing Candidates

The BIA of Washington (BIAW) and its coalition partners created a day-long campaign course to train pro-business and pro-housing candidates to run successful campaigns. BIAW has funded these courses, developed the curriculum and utilized staff time. SLIF support will help increase the frequency of the workshops, provide broader geographical access, expand the scope of their offerings and add instructors.

Combating Mandatory Residential Fire Sprinklers

A fire sprinkler coalition in Delaware has convinced multiple municipalities to mandate sprinklers in new construction in their building codes. The Builders and Remodelers Association of Delaware members are concerned that the coalition’s momentum will lead to adoption in other counties. With SLIF funding, the HBA will develop educational materials, an ad campaign and host informational panels on the topic.

Increasing Residential Building Codes Engagement

Vermont is currently in the process of updating to the 2023 IECC code. Vermont’s builders need funding to help identify an authority with jurisdiction and to implement a system for enforcement. With SLIF funding, the Vermont Builders and Remodelers Association will launch a lobbying and communications campaign to pause the adoption of the 2023 RBES code updates and work with stakeholders to create a codes program that addresses compliance, inspection, enforcement and comprehensive builder education.

Also, on the regulatory front, the push for electrification is increasing in Las Cruces, N.M. SLIF will help the Las Cruces HBA launch an education campaign targeting the public and industry members on how electrification and electrification-ready mandates will increase the home's cost. Similarly, in Illinois, the Home Builders and Remodelers Metro East Association will use SLIF to launch an education campaign on housing costs related to home electrification and reaching local climate goals.

Educating the Community on Local Immigration Policy

During the 2023 session, the Florida state legislature passed an immigration bill. In response, crew members threaten to leave projects mainly based, but only partially, on misinformation about the bill. The Florida HBA held a webinar educating their members on the legislation and wants to get the information out to the crews. The SLIF will support an educational campaign that will include workplace posters, handouts in multiple languages and social media ads.

Overcoming Floodplain Development Restrictions

National Marine Fisheries Service recently provided guidance on development in a floodplain area while mitigating the impact on endangered species habitats. In response, to remain eligible for the National Flood Insurance Program, local governments in Oregon must update their land use and development codes, which will likely result in significant development restrictions in most parts of the state. SLIF funding would help the Oregon HBA and coalition partners reconstitute its formal non-profit dedicated to working on the issue.

To view previous SLIF awardees, visit the common state and local issues page on

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