Effective Strategies for Leading Your Remodeling Company Through Challenging Times

Business Management

The flight path for custom builders and remodelers can be turbulent. Luckily, experts Vince Butler, CAPS, GMB, GMR, and Doug Howard, director of consulting at Remodelers Advantage, have compiled eight strategies for piloting your company through rough air.

Through the Remodeling Forecasts, Myths & Trends video series, sponsored by Lowe’s Pro, you can discover what you can do to create fulfilling experiences for your customers, your employees and yourself no matter what surprises the year ahead may bring.

Viewers will come away from this half-hour discussion with the following:

  • Eight strategies for leading a custom building or remodeling company through challenging times
  • “Action words” to link with each strategy that make them easier to remember and implement
  • Engaging real-world examples of how these strategies have helped Butler, Howard or someone they’ve worked closely with in the past

Butler and Howard will also field questions and discuss their tried-and-true tactics for navigating a custom building or remodeling company through turbulent times during the companion Shop Talk on Monday, July 10, at 4 p.m. ET. Register now.

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