Your Chance to Weigh In on Canadian Lumber Duties

Material Costs

Importers or purchasers of Canadian softwood lumber products who have been impacted by antidumping (AD) and countervailing duties (CVD) are encouraged to fill out a questionnaire from the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) (links below). Your responses could help determine whether the duties will remain in place.

At the end of 2022, the ITC announced it was instituting a statutory five-year sunset review of the AD and CVD duties imposed on softwood lumber imports from Canada.

During that review, the ITC makes a determination whether revoking the AD or CVD orders would likely lead to a continuation or recurrence of material injury to the U.S. industry that was the subject of the original investigation.

If the ITC makes an affirmative determination, the AD and or CVD orders would remain in place; a negative determination results in revocation of the orders.

As part of its review process, the ITC released two questionnaires seeking input from those importing or buying softwood lumber products, and the responses will be used to provide information and data to the ITC as it determines whether or not to keep the lumber duties in place.

If you are interested in submitting information or responses to these questionnaires, you can access them in the links below, depending on whether you are an importer or purchaser:

  1. Importer Questionnaire
  2. Purchaser Questionnaire

The deadline for submitting responses is July 27. Information and instructions on how to submit a response to the ITC are contained on the last page of each form.

If you have any questions or would like additional information, please contact NAHB staff member Felicia Watson at 202-266-8229.

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