Beware of Email Scams for Purchasing ‘IBS Attendee List’


As the 2025 NAHB International Builders’ Show® (IBS) approaches, we are hearing from some of our members and exhibitors that they have received emails inquiring about their interest in purchasing the NAHB International Builders’ Show’s attendee list.

These solicitations are scams. They suggest they have "complete mailing details" and email addresses of our attendees, which is not true. They do not have access to the official IBS attendee list.

Moreover, these scammers do not have access to any portion of the NAHB member email list, which means they have obtained NAHB member email addresses from a non-NAHB source.

NAHB knows how much you value your privacy, and we have an explicit policy governing the use and disclosure of member email addresses. If you receive such a solicitation, we encourage you to mark it as spam and delete it.

For more information, visit

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