How to Earn Your CAPS

Certified Aging-in-Place Specialist (CAPS)
Contact: NAHB Learning Helpline
[email protected]
(800) 368-5242 ext. 8154

Get the technical, business management and customer service skills essential to competing in the fastest-growing segment of the residential remodeling industry: home modifications for the aging-in-place market. Earn NAHB’s Certified Aging-in-Place Specialist (CAPS) credential and become the expert in your market.

Curriculum and Other Requirements

Graduation Requirements

  1. Complete and submit the online CAPS graduation application or the print version
  2. Submit a signed copy of the CAPS code of ethics pledge or agree to the terms electronically
  3. Remodelers/Contractors are required to submit the following documentation:
    • Proof of liability insurance and workers’ compensation insurance, or be an employee of a company that holds both (where required by local jurisdiction)
    • A valid business license (if state required)

Course Fees

National Fees

  • Members: $279
  • Non-members: $419

Local Course Fees

Local course fees are determined by the HBA or other educational license holder that holds the classes.

Graduation and Renewal Fees

Premium Option

NAHB will mail you a graduation kit that includes a customized CAPS plaque, lapel pin, ribbon, and a sample of the “Make Your House a Home for a Lifetime” consumer brochure.

  • Members: $195
  • Non-members: $245

Standard Option

Kit available online only (includes downloadable credential certificate)

  • Members: $95
  • Non-members: $145

Annual Renewal Fees

  • Members: $65
  • Non-members: $95

Effective Jan. 1, 2022, credential holders who have lapsed longer than one year from their renewal date will pay a $50 reinstatement fee in addition to the renewal fee.

Continuing Education Requirements

NAHB credential holders are required to complete four hours or credits each year. Credential holders are NOT required to send in proof of continuing education (CE) earned at time of renewal. However, credential holders may be chosen for a random audit and NAHB will contact them directly to provide proof of CE. Starting Jan. 1, 2022, if it’s been more than three years since your credential lapsed, CAPS credential holders are required to take or retake CAPS III. View continuing education requirements for NAHB credentials.