IBS 2025:
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Local Economic Impact of a Particular Construction Project Input Requirements Form

Contact: Na Zhao
[email protected]
Principal Economist
(202) 266-8398

For a fee, NAHB produces customized studies that analyze the local (metro, county not part of a metropolitan area or state) impact of building homes in a specific city, county, metropolitan area, or state. The form below shows most of the customer provided information NAHB economists need to run the customized models and produce a study.

Turnaround time is two weeks after the customer agrees to pay the fee and provides the input information in its final form. Finalizing the inputs typically causes some delay.

If you submit the electronic form, NAHB Housing Policy Economist, Na Zhao will contact you about the fee and any questionable items on form. You may find it easier to contact Na before attempting to fill out the form: 1.800.368.5242 extension 8398, [email protected].




(May be actual number of homes built, or a round number like 100)


(Value of appropriately zoned land only; no site preparation)


(Should include all construction-related fees paid to local government)


(Total dollar amount of one-time capital improvements incurred by developer on behalf of the local government, i.e. off-site roads, water treatment, education, etc.)


(Dollar amount per home or percentage)


(Assessed value - for property tax purposes - divided by market value, should be less than or equal to one)


(Generally a dollar amount, often it is zero)


(Dollar amount per household. The model will generate an estimate if the input is not provided by the developer.)



(May be actual number of units built, or a round number like 100)


(Value of appropriately zoned land only; no site preparation)


(Should include all construction-related fees paid to local government)


(Total dollar amount of one-time capital improvements incurred by developer on behalf of the local government, i.e. off-site roads, water treatment, education, etc.)


(Dollar amount per home, or percentage)


(Assessed value - for property tax purposes - divided by market value, should be less than or equal to one)


(Intended for owner occupancy)


(Dollar amount or percentage. Generally a dollar amount, often it is zero)


(Typically the age restriction is 55+)


(Dollar amount per household. The model will generate an estimate if the input is not provided by developer.)


(Dollar amount per household. The model will generate an estimate if the input is not provided by developer.)


(Monthly dollar amount per unit. The model will generate an estimate if the input is not provided by developer.)


If the Submit button is grayed out, please make sure that all required fields are filled in.