True North Log Homes
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True North Log Homes is among the most technologically advanced custom log and timber home manufacturers. After 28 years in business, we have 19 patents on our unique building system in the U.S. and Canada (soon to be 24). We are the only log and timber home manufacturer to offer a 25-Year “Zero” Air Infiltration Warranty. Our factory-applied UV Primer Coat is a first in the industry, and our digital inventory system gives you confidence upon delivery of your True North Log Home package.
True North’s History
True North Log Homes is the manufacturer of the best-engineered log and timber homes in North America — homes of exceptional quality, beauty and durability. Located in Bracebridge, Ontario, deep in the heart of the ruggedly beautiful Muskoka region,True North Log Homes is a 100 percent Canadian company. The True North Log Homes story is one of technical innovation, hard work, and a steadfast commitment to being the undisputed leader in the construction of high quality log and timber homes.
True North’s Philosophy
Whether it’s a rustic retreat or a distinctive family home, we know that you have a passion for the ambiance and lifestyle that can only be created with a log and timber home. We also know you are looking for the peace of mind that comes from owning a log and timber home that truly meets the ultimate standard in technology and craftsmanship.
A Family with Dedication and Innovative Spirit
Ron Wrightman made his start in the log and timber home industry in 1979, founding his first successful log and timber home company, which is still in operation today. Ron’s son, Rob, managed the original plant while acquiring his carpenter’s papers. After the sale of the initial company, Rob worked with the new owners, teaching them how to operate the plant and then spent the following year building homes on their behalf. Rob then moved on to attain his real estate license and after a highly successful five years of selling cottage properties, approached his father Ron with a plan to re-enter the log and timber home industry.
In 1986 the father and son team co-founded True North Log Homes. After ten years, Rob assumed control of the company when his father retired.
As C.E.O., Rob is busy taking True North Log Homes from a family-run business to a reputable international company. He oversees a proficient management team that takes responsibility for the day-to-day operations of the company. Over the past 20 years, True North has grown from a small group of dedicated staff members to an employee group of close to 50 people, who share the Wrightmans’ passion for the True North quality. True North’s relentless quest for improvement continues today, with the launch of a new product that will further enhance the performance of the True North technology. The patent-pending, “Thermo Groove™ Six-Seal System” is another industry first and an example of the kind of research and creativity that keeps True North at the forefront among log and timber home buyers.

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