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New Series Promotes Business Management Tools

Business Management Education

NAHB is launching the BizTools Video Series this month, through which industry experts will share the latest tips and discuss essential strategies to enhance business operations and boost long-term profitability.

Each month, a new video recording will be added to examine topics such as managing cashflow, preparing for disasters, boosting profits and more. Additionally, an article related to each video will be available for NAHB council members in Council Concepts, and a live Shop Talk will be held each month to engage with the featured speakers and ask questions.

The first topic of the series will be “A Study in Cash Flow for Builders,” which will be divided into three parts. “Part 1: Two Cash Flows, One Company” features Jake Harris, co-founder and CEO of BuildWallet, as he illustrates how builders utilize both project and process business models and how they work together. Harris provides information both via an instructional video and an educational article through Council Concepts.

In addition to this content, Harris and Business Management and Information Technology Committee Member Joyce Duerfeldt will host a Shop Talk on cash flow for builders on April 25 from 3-4 p.m. ET. Participants will dig deeper into project cash flows and process cash flows and how the two work together, so be sure to bring questions to this interactive discussion.

Register now for the BizTools Video Series, which is free to NAHB members and $99 for non-members. 

See a quick sneak peek of the first episode below.

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